
First Place Losers Pre-orders

Created by Andrew Maxwell

Pre-order First Place Losers #1 in print and digital, along with other Grenade Fight titles.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Surveys Sent!
5 days ago – Sun, Sep 15, 2024 at 02:29:20 PM

Hello All, 

Surveys have been sent through Backerkit. I think many of you are familiar with this process, but please don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions/ issues. You can message me via the Kickstarter campaign page, or email at [email protected]. I'll  do my best to respond ASAP and get you sorted.

All of you that had add-ons through the campaign, should have had them already added to your cart automatically. Those that would still like to add can do so now. We will be sending out digital rewards soon, so keep an eye on those inboxes. 

In the meantime, have a great rest of your weekend!


Andrew & Team

Funds Have Arrived!
16 days ago – Wed, Sep 04, 2024 at 03:38:26 PM

Hi All, 

I wanted to do a quick check in to let everyone know the campaign funds have officially arrived. We're in the process of finalizing the surveys through Backerkit. Those will be going out soon, with the digital rewards to follow. So keep an eye on those inboxes. We're right on schedule. 

In the meantime, have a great rest of the week!


Andrew & Team

Thank You!
about 1 month ago – Sat, Aug 17, 2024 at 09:57:14 AM

We did it! Thanks to all you lovely people, First Place Losers will be a reality. 

Here's a quick timeline. 

  • Funds should arrive in roughly two weeks.
  • All digital rewards are on track to go out by the end of September.
  • Once funds arrive, we'll get all the rewards ordered, made, and printed. 
  • We're scheduled to have everything sent out by December of this year. If that changes, or needs to adjust, we'll make sure to let you all know in an update. But we should make it. 

Surveys will go out via Backerkit. For those that still wanted to do add ons you can do that as well. 

Lastly I wanted to shoutout Ink To Table, a new digital magazine that focuses on the world of Kickstarter Comics. First Place Losers was the focus of the debut issue, but this will be an ongoing monthly zine. Community is so important, and the Kickstarter comics community is no exception. Some of the best comic friendships and partnerships are people I met through Kickstarter. Curtis Clow is one of those friends, and an amazingly talented creator in his own right. He and Caleb Palmquist (check out Dragon Grit, because it's fantastic!) are spearheading this project, and I highly recommend you give it a subscribe! You won't be disappointed. 

That's everything. But keep an eye on that inbox, as we'll be checking in with progress reports soon. Have a great weekend!


Andrew & Team

Stretch Goal Unlocked & Final Days!
about 1 month ago – Mon, Aug 12, 2024 at 06:40:52 AM

Thanks to all of you we have officially unlocked our stretch goal! We'll now be including an additional 4 pages of in-world back matter and content exploring the league. Both the digital and physical books will come in at 32 pages instead of 28. Here's a quick sneak peek from Andriy, our amazing designer: 

We also wanted to shout out some more great podcasts and interviews the team has done in support of the book (first round can be found here): 

The Corcoran Entertainment Show - Flobo discusses everything from making comics to the world of Esports commentating. 

Comic Book Workshop - Max and Flobo talk with host Jason Hammons how unsuspecting influences like Spartan races and Ninja Warrior influenced First Place Losers. In addition to crafting mech designs, inking, and coming up with world building tech and terms. 

Most Excellent Entertainment Podcast - Flobo talks with host Keith Miller how film school, stand up, wrestling promotion and writing comics all help scratch different creative itches.

That's it for now. Just a couple more days until we're wrapped, so keep spreading the word. Let's finish strong. Thanks again for all your support!


Andrew & Team

Interviews & Inspirations
about 2 months ago – Fri, Aug 02, 2024 at 10:19:05 AM

Hi All, 

We're getting ever closer to that stretch goal of those 4 added pages, so keep spreading the word! We wanted to do a quick check in to share some podcasts interviews we've been fortunate enough to do. 

Constructing Comics Podcast - It's rare you get to hear the whole creative team in one interview, but stars aligned! Flobo, Max, and myself all got together with Noah (a talented creator in his own right) to talk the creation of First Place Losers. 

The Cornerbox Podcast - What comic got us into comics, how Formula 1 helped spark the book, and finding inspiration during the pandemic are just a few of the topics Max and I covered in a chat with David and John. 

The Fandalorians: Teachers by Day, Nerds by Night - Max is an art teacher, and myself a special ed teacher for our day jobs. So this was the perfect podcast for us! We talk the comic, Star Wars, and the latest pop culture announcements. Give it a listen.

Then we'll end this update with another round of awesome recs we're excited about: 

A Haunting On Mars #1-3: A Haunting on Mars is a comic book series that blends horror, science fiction, and social commentary. The series is about a corpo team sent to a dead colony on Mars to uncover secrets that cause their sanity to unravel. The book looks great, and Zach is also a collaborator with Max on another project. Go check it out!

Angel Eyes - An assassin finds himself pivotal to the war between heaven and hell. From the creators Andy Lanning (Guardians of the Galaxy), Ant Williams (2000AD, Spider-man) and visionary writer Matt McCartney (The Hamington Chronicles) make up the team, and it's put out by the awesome folks at Mad Robot Comics - Matthew Hardy and Rob Jones (our insanely talented letterer on First Place Losers). This book looks phenomenal and I can't wait to read it!

That's all for now, have a great weekend!

Andrew & Team